The Thirty Years War Society
Historical Links
Bilder von Callot Gedicht Andreas Gryphius (Pictures by Callot and Poem by Andreas Gryphius)
Museum des Dreißigjährigen Krieges
Museum of the Thirty Years War
Rare Discovery - Mass Grave from Thirty Years War
Seltenes Massengrab des Dreißigjährigen Krieges (Rare Mass Grave of the Thirty Years War)
The Early Modern Warfare Society
The Thirty Years War - Resources on the Web
Thirty Years' War - an interactive web resource for historians and gamers
Unusual Discovery Near Berlin - Mass Grave Sheds Light on Europe's Bloody History
Wer war wer im Dreißigjährigen Krieg (Who's Who in the Thirty Years War)
Living History Links
Diggers and Levellers (English Civil War)
The Pike and Musket Society (English Civil War)
We are a member project of the "Living History Resource Group"